Thursday, October 10, 2019

Week 6: EOTO Com Tech Timeline

One of my peers chose to do his Evolution of Communication Technology on telephones. Our phones are something that never leaves our pockets, let alone a 15-foot radius. If you don't agree with that, you must not be a millennial! But, having something so mundane and normal and almost essential, makes us forget it's history.
Through my peer's presentation, I learned that the first people to have telephones were business people. They would first have them in their homes, and later moved to their offices. There was a long period of time where you could not call straight to your friends, you must first connect to a person who will then connect you to your friend. Once cell phones were more common, they were used for hospitals and banks, places where they would need immediate communication.
Now, of course my father would love to tell you all the negative effects on a teenager that cellphones bring. My peer used a funny analogy. He says he will call people that are in his own house, and boy, am I guilty of that, too! Besides the (not-so) obvious mental deficits of a cellphone like the lowerment of self-esteem, jealousy/comparison, and maybe anxiety... cell phones make us lazy!

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Week 11:Diffusion of Innovations

Snapchat's Insta-Fame Snapchat first launched from a dorm room in 2011 and has now grown from an experiment to a multi-billion doll...