Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week 3: The Founding Era

This video focused on the basic fundamental rights of Americans. Much of the conversations spurred from constitutional amendments. Slavery was the issue to kick start quality. The majority of this video posed the question of who is 'we the people'? What does that include?

Journalists everyday face ridicule and are threatened. Supreme court is being urged to give all parties in all stances to give the subjects equal treatment.

Public reporting in the case room can confuse the court as well. It is hard as a journalist to do your job respectfully of all parties.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Week 2: News and Communication

When searching through news articles, I used key words like "help" and "communicate" to find this article: . In this article, Diana Peterson-Moore writes about how we as humans naturally treat others by the standards of the golden rule. We treat and communicate with others the same way we expect or want to be treated in return.

However, Peterson-Moore says that another form of communication could be entirely more helpful. She argues we instate the 'platinum rule' which is to treat others how you think they wanted to be treated.

If we want to be well-versed and capable communicators, it would benefit us to try and gauge the most successful way to communicate with others. When working with peers or coworkers its important to communicate in a way that works for them. Make sure you are being understanding and flexible.

Week 11:Diffusion of Innovations

Snapchat's Insta-Fame Snapchat first launched from a dorm room in 2011 and has now grown from an experiment to a multi-billion doll...