Friday, November 1, 2019

Week 11:Diffusion of Innovations

Snapchat's Insta-Fame

Snapchat first launched from a dorm room in 2011 and has now grown from an experiment to a multi-billion dollar tech industry. Snapchat was originally named Picaboo but founders were sent a cease and assist for the previously trademarked name. In October of 2012, Snapchat was now available in the Android store as well. In October of 2013, they launched 'stories'. In August of 2014, they released 'geo filters'. By the end of August 2014, there were 40% of adults using Snapchat in the US on a daily basis... the rest is history.

Snapchat was able to gain incredible momentum very fast. In 2011, Mark Zuckerberg attempted to buy Snapchat for almost 3 billion dollars, only to be refused. What made just three young men be able to create one of the largest social media platform in the world... in just 3 short years. 

By the end of 2015, Snapchat hit around 75 million users. Streaks were introduced in 2016 as well as another purchase attempt from Google for 30 billion dollars, that was also rejected. In the summer of 2016, user status has grown to 150 million daily users. By January of 2016, the White House joined Snapchat.

All in all, Snapchat gained global appreciation in a few short years as Snapchat transformed from just an app to a social media destination. Everyone from young people to celebrities to the President is on Snapchat now!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Week 10: Eight Values of Free Expression

The Most Important Value of Free Expression

There are so many rights that we as American citizens have. Not only do we have the ability to express ourselves, our opinions, and our hatreds, those rights are protected under the law. Eight values of free speech state many theories about the positives of our protected rights, but, one rings louder than others.
The value of Stable Change (aka Safety Valve) was instituted by Benedict Spinoza. Spinoza suggested that in a society with angry and outcast citizens who were allowed to voice their minds and dislikes was a more stable environment. People would be less likely to act out in aggression. Now, the reason why this value sticks out to me more than the others is the following:
With these individuals voicing themselves, enables the government to monitor potentially dangerous groups. So, ultimately, this value proves that it is in the government's best interest to allow self-expression.
Personally, I never thought about the second component of this value. I have always felt strongly that the alienated people should have numerous outlets to express their dislikes or discomfort. It allows them to externalize their feelings and hopefully feel better, take action, or develop a deeper sense of self. However, by reading through all of these values, I was almost dumbfounded to not have ever thought about the fact that this self-expression allows the government to monitor danger. By seeing how these people or groups protest or express themselves, it gives information to help our overall safety. This is an incredible asset to our government that gives a win-win situation.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Week 6: EOTO Com Tech Timeline

One of my peers chose to do his Evolution of Communication Technology on telephones. Our phones are something that never leaves our pockets, let alone a 15-foot radius. If you don't agree with that, you must not be a millennial! But, having something so mundane and normal and almost essential, makes us forget it's history.
Through my peer's presentation, I learned that the first people to have telephones were business people. They would first have them in their homes, and later moved to their offices. There was a long period of time where you could not call straight to your friends, you must first connect to a person who will then connect you to your friend. Once cell phones were more common, they were used for hospitals and banks, places where they would need immediate communication.
Now, of course my father would love to tell you all the negative effects on a teenager that cellphones bring. My peer used a funny analogy. He says he will call people that are in his own house, and boy, am I guilty of that, too! Besides the (not-so) obvious mental deficits of a cellphone like the lowerment of self-esteem, jealousy/comparison, and maybe anxiety... cell phones make us lazy!

Week 5: The Progressive Era

Americans are said to be cheaters. One example would be the science of IVF, artificial insemination. This is an interesting take on the whole IVF. Trying to put off getting pregnant until a woman is 4o years old is almost like cheating, according to this article. There is a trend among Americans where we are said to cheat nature. Maybe it is our nature, or our greed corrupting us. This article gives examples such as: abortion, pornography, or surrogacy.
Meanwhile, I have yet to mention the amount of cheating opportunities for students. There is everything from Instagram accounts for cheating, to literally tutors doing your homework. Almost everything you need to cheat is available through a quick google search. If you are taking an online exam via Blackboard, let's say you copy and paste a question from that exam into google. Google will pull up Quizlets with the answers on flashcards, or Course Hero, which is a website that actually uploads tests, assignments, or essays for students to copy (if you pay).
We, as cheating humans, are oblivious to the reality of our 'systematic cheating.' Is speeding through  yellow light cheating? Is skipping class cheating? Is surrogacy cheating? These are hard moral questions to ask but the reason why you should is because there is damage done when we cheat, irreversible damage against each other and against our natural order of life.

Week 4: Civil War & Reconstruction

Recently, Facebook has taken offline a database that allowed Facebook users' phone numbers to be googled. However, a cybersecurity researcher found a similar database that was similar to the one that was said to be taken off. It is unclear who or how the data was posted. The database allows you to search up a person/Facebook user, by their phone number.
This data exposes online users in a way they may be unaware of. This exposed data puts users at risk of scam phone calls. It is not just your Facebook profile and phone number that are available, however. Sensitive health records, demographic details, and information on job hunters.
As of the recent exposed data, Facebook estimates about 220 million users were effected. As a social media user, it is important to make sure every profile you have is turned to private. This will lower your chances of important data being exposed or you phone number getting to scam companies.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week 3: The Founding Era

This video focused on the basic fundamental rights of Americans. Much of the conversations spurred from constitutional amendments. Slavery was the issue to kick start quality. The majority of this video posed the question of who is 'we the people'? What does that include?

Journalists everyday face ridicule and are threatened. Supreme court is being urged to give all parties in all stances to give the subjects equal treatment.

Public reporting in the case room can confuse the court as well. It is hard as a journalist to do your job respectfully of all parties.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Week 2: News and Communication

When searching through news articles, I used key words like "help" and "communicate" to find this article: . In this article, Diana Peterson-Moore writes about how we as humans naturally treat others by the standards of the golden rule. We treat and communicate with others the same way we expect or want to be treated in return.

However, Peterson-Moore says that another form of communication could be entirely more helpful. She argues we instate the 'platinum rule' which is to treat others how you think they wanted to be treated.

If we want to be well-versed and capable communicators, it would benefit us to try and gauge the most successful way to communicate with others. When working with peers or coworkers its important to communicate in a way that works for them. Make sure you are being understanding and flexible.

Week 11:Diffusion of Innovations

Snapchat's Insta-Fame Snapchat first launched from a dorm room in 2011 and has now grown from an experiment to a multi-billion doll...